Job Council News

How to Get the Most Out of Your New Job

new job

The first days, weeks, and months in a new job can feel exhilarating, but they can also feel overwhelming. Between learning new skills, establishing yourself with coworkers, and making a positive impression on your manager, there’s a lot on your plate as you get acclimated to your new role. If you’re feeling stressed or like your job isn’t what it was advertised as, don’t be afraid to make a change. However, be smart about it — leave on good terms so you can find the right position that plays to your strengths and passions.

When you’re considering a new job, ask plenty of questions and make sure that you understand the expectations for your role before accepting it. Whether it’s discussing your boss’ leadership style or their preferred method of reporting, knowing what you can expect from your manager will help set the tone for your career in that company.

Ask your manager to meet with you in advance of your first day or week and discuss their expectations for onboarding, including what they expect you to accomplish within the first few months. This is an excellent opportunity to learn how your manager works, and will help you align your work habits with theirs for maximum productivity.

It’s also a great time to talk about what the company’s culture is like, and to make sure you’re clear on how your performance will be evaluated. For example, if your role requires meeting quotas in sales, it’s a good idea to find out how you’ll be measured, such as by revenue or number of clients.

Having the right expectations for your new job will help you avoid surprises and frustration, so take the time to establish them early. This will ensure that you’re not overly ambitious or setting yourself up for failure. It will also help you avoid being frustrated or overwhelmed by unexpected tasks and responsibilities.

Set up an onboarding plan and write down your goals for the first few months in your new role, and get your manager’s approval. This will help you stay focused on the most important items, and will also give you something to refer back to when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Consider the personal aspects of your new job, such as your commute, and plan accordingly. This will reduce the stress of your first few days by alleviating any concerns about childcare, transportation, or meal planning.

Make your manager aware of any foreseeable issues that you’ll need to address, such as requesting workplace accommodations for a disability. Having these details settled before you start will allow you to fully focus on your work from the first day or week.