Job Council News

What to Expect on Your First Day at a New Job

After countless interviews, dry cleaning your best suit, and making sacrifices, you’ve finally landed the job of your dreams. But just one month in and you’re not quite over the moon. Maybe you’re still getting oriented, or your boss is micromanaging, or maybe you’re just not feeling the love for your new role. No matter the reason, it’s a good idea to consider if this is the place for you.

A company’s culture is the key factor to a happy career, but it can be hard to know what to expect when you’re starting a new position. If possible, read through your company’s website and social media to gain a sense of the environment and culture you will be joining. Additionally, researching the company can help you understand what type of professional skills are most important to them – and if yours fit in with those goals.

Once you have some insight, it’s time to prepare for your first day of work. Whether you’re working from home or the office, you should have a plan in place to get up to speed quickly. This might include reading through a company handbook or identifying training materials you want to prioritize. It’s also a good idea to take a practice run of your commute the night before so you know what to expect, as well as clear your personal calendar to ensure that you are available for meetings and training.

It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed on your first day of a new job, especially when it comes to learning new policies, procedures, and routines. This can be even more challenging when you’re already trying to meet other workplace obligations like a mortgage or childcare responsibilities. To make the transition go more smoothly, it’s important to communicate with your manager about what you’re looking for out of a job and how it will impact your life outside of work.

Your manager will likely be happy to meet with you and answer any questions you may have, but it’s a good idea to take notes so that you can recall all of the information given to you. Additionally, it’s difficult to remember names and titles, so jotting these down can be helpful.

It’s also a good idea to avoid challenging the status quo during your first 30 days in the role, even if you disagree with how a certain process is currently running. The key is to learn and absorb as much as you can while establishing trust and confidence, and then work to change processes from within rather than from the outside.