Getting a job provides the financial resources you need to support yourself, and it also gives you a sense of purpose. If you’re looking to move up in your career, or if your current job is just not fulfilling enough, it might be time to find a new one. There are several ways to get a job: Use a recruiter, Spruce up your resume and LinkedIn, Hit the Web, Network, and attend industry events or meetups. Regardless of how you go about it, there are certain things that you’ll need to keep in mind:
If you’re applying for a position at an organization and you don’t hear back from the hiring manager, you should be prepared to accept that it wasn’t meant to be. Large companies often employ applicant tracking systems that automatically screen applications based on a company’s stated requirements, so it can be tough to get past the system.
Unconscious biases are another obstacle you might encounter during the interview process. For example, using gendered language such as “he” and “she” in a job description could discourage women from applying for the role. If you’re the hiring manager, be sure to read your job descriptions over and make any necessary changes to ensure they’re free of bias.
Your job search can take a toll on your mental health, especially if you’re not getting any results. Taking care of yourself by focusing on self-care and having fun can help you maintain your sanity during the process. You may also need to tweak your qualifications if you don’t have the required education or experience for every job you apply for.
Once you’ve found a job, it’s important to prepare for your first day. You’ll need to bring your government-issued ID, a resume that lists all of your relevant experience and education, and references from previous employers. During your interview, remember to practice good manners. You’ll want to greet the interviewer, shake their hand, and ask them questions about the company and its culture.
Once you’ve been hired, be sure to negotiate your salary. If you’re feeling confident, research salary data online to determine what you should be earning for your particular industry and job role. Also, it’s always a good idea to set up your own goals for advancement within the company, so you have something to work towards. Finally, when the offer is made and you’ve accepted it, don’t forget to celebrate! This is a huge accomplishment. Enjoy your new role and don’t settle! The next big opportunity will come your way soon.