Job Council News

How to Fill a Job Vacancy

job vacancy

A job vacancy is a position within an organization that is currently unfilled. This may be due to the resignation or termination of an employee, the creation of a new role, or the need for more manpower to meet a business goal. Vacancies can be filled through internal recruitment, job advertisement, or temporary staffing. Regardless of the method chosen, filling a vacancy is an important step for any company looking to recruit top talent and achieve its goals.

Identifying the right candidate for a job vacancy requires a clear description of the job requirements and an understanding of the company’s culture. Candidates want to know the work environment and expectations, so it’s best to be upfront about these things from the start. This will save time and money in the long run and avoid wasting resources on someone who won’t be the right fit for the role.

When a company advertises a job vacancy, it is important to make sure the advertisement includes the job title, required qualifications, and the deadline for applications. It is also important to specify whether the position is full-time or part-time and whether it is flexible. These details can help the candidates decide if the job is a good fit for them and will allow the company to get the most out of its investment.

Many organizations advertise a job vacancy by using various channels such as social media, job websites, and employment agencies. This helps the organization to attract a large number of applicants. Once the application process has ended, the company will screen the resumes to shortlist the most qualified candidates. This will involve evaluating the candidate’s educational background, work experience, skills, and achievements. The organization will then interview the candidates and select the person who is most suitable for the role.

The Enquete sur le recrutement, l’emploi et les besoins de formation dans les entreprises du Québec (EREFQ) survey, which collects data on jobs that are vacant at the time of data collection, is a useful source of information on job vacancies at a provincial level. The survey is conducted ad hoc by Emploi-Québec and covers about 40,000 businesses in Quebec. It provides information on vacancies by occupation, industry, and economic region.

In addition to the EREFQ survey, Statistics Canada also produces the Monthly Estimates of Job Vacancies (SEPH). This dataset is available for both private-sector and public-sector industries. It is tabulated by occupation and economic region and is comparable with the Vacancy Rate dataset. It is released approximately two months after the reporting month. It is important to note that the SEPH does not provide estimates by NOC or sector, so it cannot be used for comparisons at a provincial level. It is based on a small sample of businesses from an InfoCanada list stratified by industry and size. In contrast, the JVWS uses a much larger and more representative sample of businesses to provide province-level estimates of vacancies. It is also possible to obtain a more detailed breakdown of the labour market by NOC and sector from the Labour Force Survey.