Job Council News

How to Apply For a Job in Canada

job vacancy

Until October 2020, the government released only quarterly estimates of job vacancies. Starting in October 2020, job vacancies will be available monthly and quarterly. Job vacancy data will be tabulated by province, occupation, and sector. The government also provides data on vacancies filled by consultants, temporary help agencies, and independent contractors. To get more recent job vacancy data, go to the Government of Canada’s website. You can also subscribe to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business’ monthly email newsletter.

To apply for a classified position, you must submit a cover letter, a copy of all your licenses and certifications, and a current resume. After submitting your application materials, you must sit for an open competitive examination. The application fee must be paid in full before you can be deemed eligible for the position. Then, once you’re selected, you must follow the procedures listed in the CSC’s eligibility list.

You should always know how to contact the hiring manager before applying for a job. You can do this through email or in-person visits. If the job is not advertised, you can send a professional email to the hiring manager or office manager. Once you’ve received an email, follow up with a phone call a few days later to see if the interview was conducted or not. Ideally, you will receive an acknowledgement e-mail within a few days of sending your application.